Marching to Cultivate Compassion and Purpose!

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In late January like many people across the country, I participated in the Women’s March in New York City with several of my friends. Just like after last year’s march, I felt really energized.  Not only did I feel connected to my friends with a shared sense of purpose, I felt connected to the larger community of marchers made up of different generations, genders and nationalities who felt, as I did, that we must care for others, our world and our planet.

As a wellbeing coach, I am endlessly fascinated by the research in the well-being field and the key elements that make up a life of well-being. While the research is still in its infancy, several thought leaders incorporate the following two elements into their frameworks for well-being:

(1)        a sense of meaning-belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self; a sense of purpose

(2)        and  the cultivation of kindness and compassion

These two elements were definitely vivid for me during the march.  I felt a part of a collective force and energy that was coming together to say we can all do well if we see and stand up for our collective humanity.

This, of course, was my experience. I encourage each and every one of us to ask these questions:

·       Where in your life do you/ can you find that sense of meaning and purpose?


·       How would it feel to cultivate a sense of kindness and compassion, if you are not already doing so? (I am happy to send you a loving kindness meditation if you want a formal practice for this.)